You’re going to love this recipe for Skillet Potatoes. They are yummy so easy to make because you don’t have to peel them. Just scrub them and chop them into one inch pieces and they are ready to go.
For this recipe you’ll need to heat some cooking oil in the bottom of a heavy skillet. I use vegetable oil it’s not the healthiest choice but it’s what works best when frying up potatoes.
This recipe is a classic Southern Dish that Southern mothers and grandmothers have been serving up for breakfast, lunch and dinner since before the Mason Dixon line was drawn.
What You’ll Need
2 large potatoes
1 small onion (about one cup)
½ tablespoon garlic
vegetable oil
Putting it all together
Chop potatoes into one inch size pieces set aside into large mixing bowl
Thinly slice onion and add to potatoes
Add half tablespoon garlic to bowl and toss
Coat bottom of heavy skillet (cast iron is best) with vegetable oil and heat over medium heat. Once oil is hot add half of the potatoes and onions to skillet. Cook until potatoes are slightly browned and crispy. Repeat.
I’m not originally from the South, yet I love to eat and want to be able to make fried potatoes so badly. The very thought of it intimidates me, however. So I don’t. How much oil are you coating the skillet with? 1/8″? 1/4″? More?
You will just need about a half a teaspoon. Just make sure the skillet is coated completely. This is really easy to make and I’m sure you’re going to love it!